Comedy shows outside in the heart of downtown
All summer: new shows, interactive events, and more
Arcade Comedy Theater presents an outdoor, live comedy series in the heart of the Cultural District! Spend your Sunday nights with us enjoying in-person shows that are refreshing, fun, and safe.
Kicking off June 20th and running through early August, we’re offering two different shows each night at 7PM and 9PM. We are also happy to offer guests the option to BYOB!
We encourage guests to purchase their tickets online, in advance, as well as review our updated safety guidelines. Read more.
Shows and classes located at
The Trust Oasis
133 Seventh Street
Pittsburgh PA 15222
Located next door to Proper Brick Oven Pizza, across the street from the Greer Cabaret Theater.
Sunday, August 1 at 7PM
Arcade Comedy Theater presents
Real Pittsburgh Stories: Yinzers on Vacation
Sunday, August 1 at 9PM
Arcade Comedy Theater presents
Nebby Neighbors
Runtime: 60 minutes
9:00PM | $15 | 18+
Event Schedule
- Sunday, July 18 7PM: Improv at the Oasis
- Sunday, July 18 9PM: The Latchkey Kids
- Sunday, July 25 7PM: What Do We Do Now? Live
- Sunday, July 25 9PM: Knights of the Arcade
- Sunday, August 1 7PM: Real Pittsburgh Stories
- Sunday, August 1 9PM: Nebby Neighbors

Updated ticketing
This season, ticket prices remain the same ($15 per person), however, patrons must purchase by table. Each show offers 1-person, 2-person, and 3-4 person tables. All of our tables are pre-set and socially distanced.
Another update this year is the addition of a small number of pay as you wish “Lawn Seats.” You can relive old nights at Starlake Amphitheater when you bring your own lawn chair and sit on our “lawn” (turf) located behind the tables. These seats are the furtherest from the stage and closest to the street, so we are letting guests choose the ticket price.