Teaching Pittsburgh Comedy for over 10 years!
Have fun learning the art of comedy!
Since 2013, Arcade Comedy Theater’s Academy has been helping folks find their comedic voice, gain confidence, connect with others, and have a lot of fun. Comedy brings people together — and we’ve welcomed hundreds of budding performers and comedians into our doors over the years.
Whether it’s improv, sketch, or stand-up, the Arcade Academy can teach you the art of comedy regardless of your experience. If you’re new to our training program, then start at the 100 level of improv classes and learn our philosophy from the ground up! Or if writing is more your style, we offer sketch comedy and stand-up classes too. Our classes are welcoming, accessible, and packed full of insights from some of the most experienced teachers in the city.
Get ready to have fun, meet people, and open yourself up to Pittsburgh’s growing comedy scene!
If you’re looking for more info about how all of this works, check out our Academy FAQ page.

Arcade Academy: Session 4 2024 Classes Starting August 12 (On Sale Starting July 26th)
943 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15222
Have you ever wanted to try stand up comedy but weren’t sure how to start? This class is for you! You’ll learn exercises, tools, and techniques for generating ideas, writing jokes, preparing your act, and analyzing and improving your performance. We’ll cover on-stage mechanics and “comedy etiquette.” This class explores the wide variety of styles of Stand-up, extracting lessons that can be incorporated into your act, in a supportive and fun environment. Through this 8 week course that culminates with a class show, you’ll discover and develop your personal comedy voice, while building a foundation for continued growth.
Instructor: Brittany Alexis
8 weeks
First class: August 15
Class show: October 3
Prerequisites: none
$280 | 18+
TUESDAYS 6:30pm – 9:30pm
This class will focus on the fundamentals of sketch writing, including idea generation, brainstorming, comic premises and sketch structure. Whether you’re a beginning writer, a seasoned writer looking to learn a new form, or just want to refocus your writing in an encouraging, collaborative atmosphere, this class is for you. Through class exercises and assignments, students will learn to write comedy sketches from beginning to end. We recommend brining a laptop or tablet to class but a notebook works too!
In the final two weeks of class students will work with a cast of actors to create a performance of staged readings of their best sketches for their class show!
Instructor: Frank McDade
8 weeks
First class: August 13
Class show of staged readings: October 1
$280 $250 through August 4 | 18+
IMPROV 101: Foundations
MONDAYS 6:30pm – 9:30pm
This eight-week, three-hour class is open to everyone and appropriate for all levels of improv experience. Whether you are completely new to improvisation, or are a seasoned performer who wants to get back to basics, this class is for you. Learning skills through improv games & exercises, our focus is on: “Yes And” (agreement and extension), group mind, give and take, and basic environment and object work in a supportive, playful environment. Improv 101 ends with a class show performance for friends and family!
Instructor: Beth Geatches
8 weeks
First class: August 12
Class show: September 30
$280 $250 through August 4 | 18+
IMPROV 102: Scenework
WEDNESDAYS 6:30pm–9:30PM
This eight-week class focuses on one of the most critical elements of great improv: scenework. Building on the foundations and skills of Improv 101, here we focus on starting scenes with decisive initiations and confident stage presence. Agreement and group mind will be taken to the next level as well as working on character development and emotional investment. Trusting yourself as well as your scene partner is the first step towards great scene work. Improv 102 concludes with a class performance showcasing the skills of building strong scenes.
8 weeks
Instructor: Tyler Ray Kendrick
First class: August 14
Class show: October 2
$280 $250 through August 4 | 18+
IMPROV 103: Game and Pattern
MONDAYS 6:30pm–9:30PM
This class addresses one of the most common points of confusion for improv students: how do I find and play “the game of the scene?” By focusing on game and pattern for eight weeks, this class will give you the tools you need to kick up the humor quotient of any short form game or longform set you perform. Improv 103 is also a fantastic class for seasoned improvisers who feel they’re in a slump and want to sharpen up, or performers returning to the craft after some time away.
Instructor: Robin Hitchcock
8 weeks
First class: August 12
Class show: September 30
Prerequisites: Improv 101 and 102 or approval of submitted prerequisite exception form.
$280 $250 through August 4 | 18+
IMPROV 201: Short Form Technique
TUESDAYS 6:30pm–9:30pm
Building on previous concepts of scenework and game, Improv 201 focuses on short form improv. We’ll be delving into a variety of different performance games including character-based games, justification games, guessing games, gimmick games, and line games, teaching students how to master the mechanics of each and apply their scene work skills for successful gameplay. Students will gain valuable experience in short form improv mechanics—fundamental skills for any well-rounded improviser.
Instructor: Kevin O’Brien
8 weeks
First class: August 14
Class show: October 2
Prerequisites: Improv 101, 102, (Improv 103 recommended); or approval of submitted prerequisite exception form.
$250 | 18+
IMPROV 301: The Harold
THURSDAYS 6:30pm–9:30PM
This class focuses on the Harold, the gold standard of long-form improv. The Harold provides improvisors an opportunity to learn and practice all the basic building blocks commonly used in long-form improv: openings, edits, games, group scenes, and callbacks. This class will give you the tools to forge group mind and build a spontaneous and evocative piece of improvised theater.
Instructor: Raina Deerwater
8 weeks
First class: August 15
Class show: October 3
Prerequisites: Improv 101, 102, 103 (Improv 201 recommended); or approval of submitted prerequisite exception form.
$250 | 18+
We get it—life’s schedule can be a juggling act, and this session might not fit into your circus of commitments.
Get a jump on the fun by signing up for the next session! Our intro courses in Sketch, Stand-Up, and Improv for Session 5 go on sale starting July 26th.
Your comedy adventure is just a click away—don’t miss out on the laughs and learning!
Here’s what you need to know:
Arcade Academy sessions generally run eight weeks. Classes take place at our theater at 943 Liberty Avenue or on rare occasions off-site at a nearby Cultural Trust-owned property. If you’d like to register for a class, just click the big buttons and you’ll be taken to our ShowClix registration page. It’s a fast & secure way to register for classes online with your credit card. Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferrable. Unless specified otherwise, these classes are for adults 18 and older. Teachers listed may be subject to change at the Arcade’s discretion or as a result of unforeseen scheduling conflicts — while we try to avoid teacher substitution, it does happen from time and time and is not grounds for a refund.
The Arcade is also accepting a limited number of interns. Click here to learn more about our internship program.
We’ve revised our policy regarding course prerequisites: students need to meet all pre-reqs before signing up for an advanced level class. Every improv school approaches these techniques and philosophies differently, and so does the Arcade. So it’s good for you and your classmates if everyone has the same level of Arcade Academy training and vocabulary. You can find all of our current policies on our Academy FAQ page.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to call us at 412-339-0608 and we’ll get back to you right away!
Arcade is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all of our patrons, students, and performing artists. If you have any accessibility requirements, please contact us at: academy@arcadecomedytheater.com
943 Liberty Avenue
During the week, the Arcade transforms into an amazing, multi-classroom learning space with classes taking place in our downstairs and upstairs theaters as well as our second floor lounge.
937 Liberty Avenue
Certain classes may take place next door to the Arcade in the Cultural Trust multi-use space of 937 Liberty Ave on the third floor.